Introducing The Inner Circle
ACT believes strongly in the power of community and the benefits of learning alongside like minded doctors. Leadership can be lonely sometimes. The community allows our doctors to stay abreast of the latest teaching from the ACT team and access the ACT Community for help, advice, and guidance. Working alongside other dentists and learning from one another in this community based learning environment brings dentists closer to reaching their potential as leaders, and better prepare them to successfully implement the systems crucial to practice health.
What's Included?
- Complimentary access to Kirk Behrendt's Private Study Club, To The Top, held quarterly at the ACT headquarters in Milwaukee
- Virtual Monthly Mastermind meetings with the coaches and the ACT community
- Connection with an ACT Dental advisor
- Full access to ACT Dental University, including live Friday Masterclasses, and a robust library of clinical and practice management resources
- Peer to peer networking
- Regular updates from Kirk and the coaching community
- Self-help knowledge base of solution support articles
Running a Dental Practice is Hard, Don't Do It Alone
Building and sustaining a successful practice takes a lot more than sophisticated technical dentistry. Yet finding the time to focus on being a great leader and CEO and not just a great clinician seems out of reach. The pressure you feel to work in your practice, makes finding the time to work on your practice seem like an impossibility.
You sense a “burned out” feeling amongst your team members, and need ways to improve morale, but where do you begin?
Perhaps worst of all, the stress of running a practice is diminishing the overall quality of your life?
Isolation. Doubt. Fear. No mentors or peers for support. No direct access to experts who can help. Relentless distractions with your team. Confusion about what tools are best for you.
Dentists just like you battle these struggles every day; and become overwhelmed and lost; it's no wonder why so many fall short of achieving their vision of a better practice, and a better life.
These struggles are all a part of the journey. It's not easy. Success is not a forgone conclusion. But the chances of success, the chances of building the life that you dreamed of—can be dramatically improved by joining in community with those who share your common values and goals.
Who will I be joining?
The Inner Circle truly is the best of the best. Join the ACT team, our coaching clients, and a group of dentists and inspired thinkers who strive to help one another be their best. We focus on the business strategies that can ensure success in today’s dental marketplace as well as the leadership skills necessary for a healthy team culture. We do so by leveraging the collective experience and intelligence of the dentists in the room, in addition to the tools and resources provided by Kirk and The ACT Team

This one of a kind, private community is dedicated to helping you find time to work ON your practice and ON yourself as a leader. Here, you’ll learn from ACT’s industry-leading coaches and trainers as well as other dentists just like you.
Best Practices Secrets & Tips
Get Help With Your Challenges
Collaborate With Members
Q&A With Kirk & ACT Coaches
Access to
All The Tools
Growing, learning, and value from these experiences is only possible when the atmosphere and the community is rooted in a most sacred quality: safety.
Vulnerability is Welcome Here!
The Inner Circle is a community built around and for dentist and their peers. This one of a kind mastermind community is a safe place where you can ask hard questions, dive into hard issues, and find the support that you need to learn and grow.
A Safe Place
to ask hard questions, vet new ideas, commit to growth, and learn without fear of judgment or rejection.
A Community
that welcomes members eager to let go of ego, humble themselves, and learn from each other.
Relationship Building
finding amazing mentors and like minded peers is invaluable. In the Inner Circle, you will find both!
Excited to become a part of this amazing community?
Outstanding! Here's what you need to do to join:

Complete Your Application
Click the button below to access complete your application.

Schedule a Quick Call
Complete a call with one of the ACT team members to review application and your goals.

Join the Community
Join the community of doctors eager to learn and grow along side you.
What Inner Circle Members Are Saying
Important FAQs
That's a lot of information. Thanks for hanging in there with us! Still, you may have questions. Here are some important ones to know about as you consider applying.
Is there a cost to join Inner Circle?
Yes. Our member pricing is $995/month. Members can cancel their subscriptions at any time.
How is Inner Circle different from coaching?
Our coaching program is our platinum offering and is comprehensive in nature. It involves the whole team and a coach helps you along the entire way. Alternatively, the Inner Circle provides tools for you to be the best leader you can be. It is an avenue for the dentist leader to gain leadership training, surround themselves with other well thinking dentists, and develop tools and strategies to make changes back at home. While we expect this to positively affect the health of your practice, the aim of Inner Circle and our PRO Coaching is slightly different.
What about my team? Can they join too?
No. It is imperative that the leader have time alone to get clear about how best to lead the practice. What the team gets out of this is an improved leader that communicates more clearly, sees more clearly the steps necessary for success, and thus creates an improved workplace culture. We have other team events that IC member can bring their teams to. IC members receive significant discounts to these events.
Who will be in this?
Former coaching clients, current coaching clients, and others dentists within the ACT community but haven’t been through coaching. Everyone in this will have something in common - the desire to be better and the humility to know it is not something that just happens or something they can do on their own. The docs will all be intentional about being better leaders and being the best version of themselves - otherwise they wouldn’t sign up. Positive thinkers all working to help one another be great.
What can I expect to gain?
As anything, that depends what you put into it. The Inner Circle is unique in the dental world in that is it ongoing leadership training and amazing connection to your peers. Whereas, other leadership content exists, there is a difference between hearing a lecture one time vs. the ongoing continuation of training that the IC will provide. As a result of your membership in Inner Circle, we expect you to be a better leader, better business CEO, better boss, and better individual. In the end, however, what you get out of it is completely up to you.
It is common to feel one’s self fall into a rut. With the need to be working IN our practice every day, there is little time to work ON the practice, ON your mindset, and ON you as the leader. The Inner Circle will be a shot of energy and inspiration, pointing you back in the right direction.
Still have questions? Fill Out this SUPER Quick Application and We Will Answer Your Questions As Fast as Possible.